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Employee Interest in Hearing Benefits Skyrockets, But Only One in 10 Report Coverage  

DRAPER, UTAH–May 1, 2024–The fourth annual Hearing Loss in the Workplace survey[1], conducted by TruHearing, the market leader in hearing healthcare benefits, revealed that interest in hearing benefits has drastically increased among working adults.   

The vast majority of employees1 (79%) agree that it is important for employers to offer hearing benefits as part of their overall employee benefits package. This interest has continued to grow year-over-year, up from just 54% in 2023 and 53% in 2022. Despite this continued growth, however, only 11% of employees report their current employer offers hearing benefits.  

While interest continued to be greatest among those who wear hearing aids (94%), there was also a significant year-over-year increase among those with no hearing loss, demonstrating the growing appreciation for hearing benefits regardless of employees’ current hearing status. Compared to 2023, interest in hearing benefits among employees with no hearing loss increased by 65%.  

Employees who report hearing benefits are important to include in a benefits package 

 2022 2023 2024 
Overall 53% 54% 79% 
Employees with No Hearing Loss 48% 46% 76% 
Employees with Suspected Hearing Loss 59% 64%   87% 
Employees Who Wear Hearing Aids 78% 93% 94% 

“These are notable increases that need to be acted upon by employers. It could not be more clear that employees need and want hearing benefits, and employers are failing their employees by not offering them,” said Rob Gibbs, SVP of Business Growth at TruHearing. “Adding hearing benefits into a benefits package is not only a smart move for safeguarding employee health and wellness, but it’s also a financially savvy way to enhance your offerings. TruHearing offers high-quality hearing healthcare programs that start as low as $.05 PMPM, which is a fraction of the price of typical vision and dental plans.” 

At just 11%, hearing benefits are offered at a remarkably lower rate than vision (71%) and dental (76%), despite widespread agreement among employees that eye exams, dental cleanings and hearing checks are all of high importance to their quality of life and wellness, with 89%, 87% and 71% respectively.  

“Providing employees with hearing benefits is a win-win for both parties,” added Gibbs. “Proper treatment of hearing loss results in higher productivity at work, and enhanced health and happiness outside the office. It’s time for hearing health to be valued by employers as much as it’s valued by their employees.” 

[1] Hearing Loss in the Workplace Survey. 2024

About TruHearing 

TruHearing is the #1 market share leader in hearing healthcare benefits serving more than 160 million people and over 300 partners nationwide. With more than 20 years of experience, TruHearing has the expertise to create industry-leading hearing healthcare solutions customized to match the unique needs of any organization or market segment. Guided by a goal to reconnect people to the richness of life, TruHearing has developed the largest, high-quality provider network offering the most technologically advanced hearing aid selection. TruHearing delivers superlative value to ensure payers and their members receive a flawless experience every step of the way. Headquartered in Draper, Utah, TruHearing has been recognized as a “Top Workplace” in the state for six consecutive years.

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