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If you’ve used hearing aid benefits to buy hearing aids, you already know how instrumental it was in helping you afford your first set of hearing aids. However, what you may not realize is that your hearing aid benefit will actually become more valuable to you over time as it allows you to continually address your changing hearing needs.

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Tinnitus: A Constant Ringing In Your Ears
Information and resources concerning tinnitus (noise in ears) including: causes, diagnosis, treatment, and self-help. Tinnitus is commonly described as a constant ringing, roaring, clicking, hissing

Auditory neuropathy: hearing without understanding
Consider this scenario: you’re in a crowded room with voices coming at you from all directions. You can hear each sound clearly, but you can’t

What to Know When Buying a Hearing Aid
More than 35 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss. More than 35 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss. If

Keys to a Successful Hearing Aid Fitting
The role of the consumer, the audiologist, and the manufacturer for a successful hearing aid fitting To have a successful fitting of hearing aids it

What to Expect at Your Hearing Exam
A hearing exam is about more than listening to beeps through a pair of headphones. A full hearing evaluation performed by an audiologist or hearing

Understanding Earmolds and How to Care for Them
Earmolds are all around us. We see them everyday, whether we recognize them or not. Newscasters, reporters, talk show hosts, film and broadcast crews, race

What Are Hearing Aids and How They Can Help You
Hearing aids, adjustment, care, and shopping. A hearing aid is a device that you wear in or behind your ear to help make some sounds

How to Hear What You Need: Hearing Aid Noise Reduction
What is hearing aid noise reduction? Today’s hearing aids process sound digitally. This allows a greater ability to manipulate how the sound is enhanced and

Hearing Aid Myths Debunked
It is estimated that as many as 35 million people have hearing loss. Yet only 8-10 million actually wear hearing aids. The discrepancy is due in