Fill the gap in your benefit offerings.
Plans that focus on whole-person health, but don’t cover hearing benefits are missing a critical component.
Hearing loss doesn’t just affect the ears, it impacts everything from mental health to productivity. Stand out from your competitors and impress your clients by bringing them a hearing benefit solution from TruHearing®.
Explore how hearing health contributes to whole-person health.

Guard mental health
Hearing loss increases the risk of anxiety and depression.1
Improve quality of life
Research shows that hearing aid owners feel hearing aids improve their quality of life.2
Address social risk
Untreated hearing loss increases risk of social isolation and loneliness.3
Help your clients’ employees reconnect.
Increase employee productivity
Treating hearing loss increases participation in workplace conversations, collaboration, and concentration.4
Make work safer
People with untreated hearing loss are twice as likely to suffer accidental workplace injury.5
TruHearing understands the role whole-person health plays in benefit packages.
Don’t let hearing benefits be the missing piece. We can show you the value of the right solution for your clients and their employees. Contact us today.
TruHearing makes hearing benefits easy.

Customizable solutions
No matter how you structure your client portfolio, we offer low-cost, easy-to-implement programs tailored to suit their needs.

Excellent employee experience
We make it easy. Dedicated Hearing Consultants provide unmatched service at every step of the journey towards better hearing.

Total account support
TruHearing provides dedicated account management and implementation teams to ensure seamless integration with your clients’ systems and effective communications for their employees.
Ready for a partner who can help you fill the gaps?
Fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.
- 1. jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2768374 and pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32151193
- 2. MarkeTrak 2022
- 3. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32151193
- 4. Online survey conducted by TruHearing of 270 employed consumers with hearing loss, May 2021 (n=2,000)
- 5. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2018.0039