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Save more. Get more.

Save an average of $3,774 per pair* with TruHearing®.

Stacy is wearing custom TruHearing 6 hearing aids

Call to get started.

Stacy is wearing custom TruHearing 6 hearing aid.

Save more. Get more.

Save an average of $3,774 per pair* with TruHearing®.

We're the nation's #1 hearing benefits provider.

If you’re one of the 160 million people covered by TruHearing®, we can help you save thousands on the best hearing aids for your lifestyle and budget.

20+ years

partnering with the nation’s largest payors

#1 rated

customer experience*

160 million+

lives covered*


health plan partners*


provider network with 8,850+ locations*

Hearing care made easy.

We’ll guide you through every step of getting the hearing aids you need to reconnect to life’s joys.

Call us to find a provider near you.

90% of the US population lives within 10 miles of one of our 8,850+ provider locations.* We also have mobile providers available in some states. Call to let us help you find you the best provider and set up an appointment.

The latest hearing technology.

Your TruHearing benefit gives you access to a wide variety of easy-to-use hearing aid models and styles, with the latest technology—all at significant savings. From nearly invisible designs to wireless streaming capabilities, there’s a hearing aid for every lifestyle.

Restore life's richness.

Hearing loss often starts gradually. The missing sounds aren’t always obvious. But over time, hearing loss can affect the life you love.

The right treatment can improve your physical and emotional health, your personal relationships, your work life, and so much more.

Struggling to hear?

In less than 5 minutes, you can find out if you have hearing loss.

Additional resources

120 Batteries. Only $39.

Great batteries.
Low prices.
Free delivery.

Before you go...

Take a free, 5-minute hearing screening.

Contact us

Call or chat to speak to one of our expertly trained Hearing Consultants.

Have us contact you

All fields marked with * are required.

    *By submitting this form, I agree to the privacy policy and for my contact information to be used by TruHearing for marketing purposes.